Dear bro and sisters....
yesterday we had just hold our 1st meet up for our next year trip, venue haven't really confirm on it yet, but we get to meet up with one another again after 1 few months "rest" from our last one. And also get to know the campus side students who will be joining us next year.
Do hold the mission trip in prayer ya, for our heart.. our venue... our preparation... our leave.... and the willingnees to accept whatever path God has placed in front of us.
We will be holding a bi-weekly prayer meeting starting on the 7th Nov at bible house 7pm, pls join us as we lay the foundation of this mission trip... by prayers!
Also monthly training session will be organise to equip us for the trip too.
Lastly, pls do pray for urself as we need more mission-minded people to join us for this coming trip woah... many thanks! Will updated u guys with more details soon.
God Bless!!