Hi everyone, I had managed to get the random background music script up, now you can enjoy songs while reading the blog. There are no links to click, the scripts will run automatically when the page loads.
To be able to hear the music, your browser must be JavaScript-enabled & your preferred media plug-in installed. If you still can't hear anything after you installed the plug-in, then you may have some script-blocking software/extensions running or plug-in error.
You can get the plug-in here:
Quicktime 7 for Windows XP or Vista
Window Media PlayerSem Chi had 'provided' the blog with some of these songs. The titles are: '飞翔', '神心意, 我的梦', '身心灵', '起点' and '美好的团契(生命)'. As these songs were written, sang & recorded by our brothers & sisters during their time in CF, you may just hear a familiar voice or two in them.
If you have any songs that is suitable for this blog, feel free to
mail me.
NOTE: The file-storage site (fileden.com) provide us with 5.0GB of bandwidth every 30 days, once the bandwidth is exceeded there'll be no music until it resets.